Our School’s SGH Designation

Zenkoji Global Pre-Summit

Problem study presentations by second-year students (Zenkoji Global Pre-summit)

  •  Contents:
    • 12:50 ~ 14:05: Individual sessions with participation of all first- and second-year students
    • 12:50 ~ 14:05: Plenary session with participation of all first- and second-year students

      • Presentations by representative groups Q&A session
        Comments from: Prof. Masayuki Nakamura, Shinshu University Faculty of Engineering; Hiromichi Morimoto: The University of Nagano and Mr. Yoshimichi Hara, Principal, Nagano Senior High School
  • Presentations made during the plenary session (three groups)
        Highest Award to 6748 Group:
        “School Reform through students’ positive action”
        It proposes students to be more positive to their school lives so that they can change school itself; better working condition for teachers, better communication, positive attitudes toward self-study and longer-term summer vacation.
        Excellent Performance Award to 1002 Group:
        “Searching for better working environments for Mothers.”
        Today’s mothers can’t find proper jobs. On the other hand, we have a problem of labor shortages. This presentation focuses on the Nursery School for particular companies.
        Excellent Performance Award to 2321 Group:
        “Suggestions to medical system in Japan”
        Japanese doctors are excellent, but very busy. To solve this problem, new system such as “Gate Keeper System” should be introduced so that we can get good medical service.

    Zenkoji Global Pre-Summit
    Zenkoji Global Pre-Summit